Providing professional and compassionate support with specialised expertise in Child Psychology, Mind Coaching, Autism, ADHD, Neurodiversity and Dyslexia. I offer help to address emotional, behavioural and developmental challenges. As a mum of 3 myself, I am dedicated to helping children overcome obstacles, build resilience, find ways to deal with emotions and reach their full potential. As a Mind Coach, I offer a different approach to a psychologist, in that I teach the tools needed to deal with their anxiety and emotions over a short period of time, followed by a personally produced audio recording that they listen to regularly, replacing face-to-face sessions, and set them up for life. I support Sportspeople by tweaking the same techniques and provide an MP3 focusing on mental preparation to ensure they perform at their best.
Qualifications and Specialise in:
Child Psychology Diploma.
Autism & ADHD Awareness.
Dyscalcullia & Dyslexia Awareness.
Mental Wellbeing in Children and young people.
Exam Preparation.
Anxiety & Emotion Techniques.
I have adapted this business from my father who is the Mind Coach, Don Macpherson. He has applied all the same methods with many people, over many years, including famous sports people, and has a number 1 selling book,
How To Master Your Monkey Mind.